28 days left until Canoecopia!     March 7 - 9
Canoecopia is presented by

Presenting Sponsor

Alliant Energy Center
1919 Alliant Energy Way
Madison, Wisconsin

Show Hours
Friday: 3 PM to 8 PM
Saturday: 9 AM to 6 PM
Sunday: 10 AM to 4 PM

1-Day: $17.00
3-Day: $35.00
Ages 17 and under are FREE
Cash or check only for tickets purchased at the event

Parking Fees
1-Day: $8.00
Cash or credit, fees collected by Alliant Energy Center


Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness
Main Hall: 51

2550 University Ave. W Suite 180S
St. Paul, MN 55114

Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness is a nonprofit that has been protecting and preserving the Boundary Waters for almost 50 years. We work to preserve the unique pristine beauty of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in perpetuity by inspiring more people to appreciate, respect and
protect this priceless place.